Ask Rev. CJ

Are you or someone you know, going through a difficult time? Has a crisis come your way that threatens to overwhelm you? Could you use some help? Rev. CJ provides wisdom from God's Word to help deal with life's difficult issues.

  • Disclaimers

    The "Ask Rev. CJ" section of this website is not a replacement for licensed, professional counseling

    The text content in the Ask Rev. CJ section, in books or articles (in print or on other sites) or in any other resource mentioned on this site is not a substitute or replacement for face-to-face counseling and therapy. We seek to provide content that we hope will be informative and helpful, but for a variety of reasons we cannot address any specific person's counseling needs through this site. If you are in need of counseling, we urge you to seek out counseling services either from your local church or from another counseling agency in your area.

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    E-mail is an inherently insecure communication method. Though our e-mail account is password protected and the e-mails received are only read by Rev. CJ, we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of e-mails as they travel between our e-mail account and the e-mail account of a visitor to our site. E-mails are transmitted through the internet in an unencrypted format - what is called "plain text" - and thus can be intercepted by anyone making an effort to do so. Please keep these realities in mind as you engage in e-mail communications with us.